Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The action can't be completed because the file is open in VMware Tools Service

For some reason I could not delete or overwrite two file in my build today.  I got the following error:

The action can't be completed because the file is open in VMware Tools Service

A Google search yielded nothing. However, I was able to fix it by doing the following steps:

  1. Disable the VMware Tools Service.
  2. Reboot the Win7 VM.
  3. Delete the offending files.
  4. Enable and start VMware Tools Service.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tech Review: Wednesday, November 16, 2010


Where is the FalconView log file?

  • virtual-machine monitor
  • linux
  • Microsoft Windows
  • running VAX/VMS under Linux
  • a completely isolated guest operating system installation within a normal host operating system.


  • Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)
  • a library for reading and writing raster geospatial data formats.
  • GML in FalconView
  • OGR has limited support for GML reading and writing
    • Update of existing files not supported
  • GIS (Geographic Information System)

  • GIS Internet Resources
  • Georaphy Markup Language (GML) is a XML grammer defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

What is FLOSS?


ArcGIS Data Export

The initial value of class member variables.

Android Development

  • use Android-x86 and VirtualBox
Internet Anonymity

  • I2P
  • Make it hard for the site you visit to get you info
Geospatial Platform

  • Government shares with public
  • article about
Linux and Supercomputers

The fastest computer in the world, Japan's K-Supercomputer, runs Linux.

  • 91.4% of the top 500 supercomputers are running Linux

  • opensource software for building private and public clouds
  • consists of 3 parts
    • computer
    • object storage
    • image service
  • private company RackSpace that uses OpenStack

Late Software Projects

  • All software projects are late because they started late
  • The started late for 3 reasons
    1. no one started until the competition proved it doable or desirable
    2. cost a lot more then anyone was willing to pay
    3. no one knew that it needed to be done until the window of opportunity was closing
      • usually a disguise for reason one or two

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

I was hoping to move away from using VPC; however, some of the engineers at work feel that VMware is much slower than VPC so it looks like I am going to have to support both. This could double the work in this area.

When I got my portable I got the Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit. I didn't realize that I needed to have at least Windows Vista Enterprise. To upgrade is the Enterprise will cost $200. I think this is robbery.

There is a OIT version of Vista Enterprise that I can get for free, but it requires KMS. If I use this and cannot connect to Tech the darn thing shuts down.

The connect and refresh has to happen every six months.

Multiple Activation Key (MAK)

Key Management Service (KMS)

Why on earth does MS sell a crippled OS and than make the upgrade path just like buying the original? Is that ethical?

Friday, November 16, 2007

VMWare from Wikipedia

The Wikipedia link for VMWare is here:

VMWare is a publicly-listed developer of proprietary virtualization software products for x86 computers.


Desktop software
  • VMware Workstation - allows a user to run multiple instances of x86 on one PC.
  • VMware Fusion - similar to Workstation for MacIntel platform.
  • VMware Player - can run but not create virtual machines.
Server software
  • VMWare ESX Server
  • VMWare Server (GSX Server)
Other products
  • Converter - builds VM from either physical machines or VM made by other virtualization products
host machine - the physical hardware

guest machine - the VM

virtual applience - a VM (VPC)

Introduction to Virtualization

The following I am getting from the Xen site.

Virtualization: The characteristics of a computer resource are abstracted so that is can be accessed is some way that is different from its physical form. An example is virtual memory.

System Virtualization: The resources of a single computer are present as collection of single computers. This was first done in the 1960s.

Virtual Machine: A computer that is a member of a collection of single computers on a virtualized system. It has its own virtual CPU,